Statement on the Bible's Inspiration And Inerrancy
We believe in the authority and sufficiency of the Holy Bible, consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments (Genesis through Revelation); that the Bible is a complete revelation; that the entire Bible is infallible and of unlimited inerrancy in the areas of Creation, Science, Geography, Chronology, History, and in all other matters of which it speaks (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; John 17:17); that the books known as the Apocrypha are not the inspired Word of God in any sense whatever; that, as the Bible uses it, the writers are spoken of as being "holy men of God" who were "moved" (or "carried" or "borne along") by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21; Acts 1:16) in such a definite way that their writings were supernaturally, plenarily, free from any error, infallible, and of unlimited inerrancy, as no other writings have ever been (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
The Use Of Different Bible Versions and Original Texts of Scripture
We believe that in English the King James Bible (which in our time has no equal among other English translations), or in other languages translations that are literal formal equivalence translations from the Traditional Received Greek Text and Masoretic Hebrew Text, only should be used in all preaching services and in the Sabbath School. We believe that the Received Greek Text known as the Textus Receptus, and the Masoretic Hebrew Text, are the superior and only pure textual family of manuscripts of Scripture. We leave it, however, to the individual which Bible version he uses for personal reading, study, and literary publication.
Its Preservation
We believe God has promised in both the Old and New Testaments to preserve His Word as given to us in the original Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek texts (Psalm 12:6-7; 78:1-8; 119:89, 111, 152, 160; Isaiah 30:8; 40:6-8; Ecclesiastes 3:14; Matthew 4-4; 5:17-18; 24:35; 28:20; John 10:35; Colossians 1:17; 1 Peter 1:23-25; 2 John 1:2, and elsewhere); that, by His Providential care, God has kept His Word pure down through the ages as He promised; and we believe what our Baptist forefathers wrote in their London Baptist Confession of 1677 and 1689, which states in part:
"The Old Testament in Hebrew, (which was the native language of the people of God of old), and the New Testament Greek (which at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the nations) BEING IMMEDIATELY INSPIRED BY GOD, and BY HIS SINGULAR CARE AND PROVIDENCE KEPT PURE IN ALL AGES, are therefore AUTHENTICAL..."
- Adapted from Rev. D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D., at his website: www.biblefortoday.org/bft_articles_faith.htm